APA সাইটেশন

(1989). International journal of disability, development, and education. University of Queensland Press for the Fred and Eleanor Schonell Special Education Research Centre.

শিকাগো স্টাইলে সাইটেশন

International Journal of Disability, Development, and Education. St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia: University of Queensland Press for the Fred and Eleanor Schonell Special Education Research Centre, 1989.

এমএলএ সাইটেশন

International Journal of Disability, Development, and Education. St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia: University of Queensland Press for the Fred and Eleanor Schonell Special Education Research Centre, 1989.

সতর্কবাণী: সাইটেশন সবসময় 100% নির্ভুল হতে পারে না.