APA সাইটেশন

(2002). Evidences II. The tale of a trilobite: Interpretations of the fossil record from the perspective of creation. Loma Linda, CA: The Geoscience Research Institute IVd Tech, LLC.

শিকাগো স্টাইলে সাইটেশন

Evidences II. The Tale of a Trilobite: Interpretations of the Fossil Record From the Perspective of Creation. Loma Linda, CA: The Geoscience Research Institute IVd Tech, LLC, 2002.

এমএলএ সাইটেশন

Evidences II. The Tale of a Trilobite: Interpretations of the Fossil Record From the Perspective of Creation. Loma Linda, CA: The Geoscience Research Institute IVd Tech, LLC, 2002.

সতর্কবাণী: সাইটেশন সবসময় 100% নির্ভুল হতে পারে না.